Soul Crescendo

Soul Crescendo

by Carolyn Majoran

Soul Crescendo was birthed out of my love for God as well as music that lifts up His name. While my musical taste may be somewhat eclectic, I pray you will find the blogs shared here to be an encouragement to you. Let the simple truths of God’s greatness and the music that brings Him glory be a balm to your soul. To Him be the glory always.

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  • My Roving Heart - All Sons & Daughters

    Let worldly minds the world pursue
    It has no charms for me
    Once I admired it's trifles, too
    But grace has set me free

    It's pleasure now no longer please,
    No more content afford
    Far from my heart be the joys like these,
    Now I have seen the Lord.

    As by the light of opening day
    The stars are all concealed,
    So earthly pleasures fade away
    When Jesus is revealed

    Creatures no more divide my choice;
    I bid them all depart
    His name, His love, His gracious voice
    Have fixed my roving heart.

    Now Lord I will be Thine alone
    And wholly live to Thee
    But I may hope that You will own
    A worthless soul like me

    Yes though of sinners I am the worst
    I cannot doubt thy will
    For if Thou had not loved me first
    I had refused thee still

    Creatures no more divide my choice;
    I bid them all depart
    His name, His love, His gracious voice
    Have fixed my roving heart.

    Matthew 18:11-13 - “What do you think? If a man owns a hundred sheep, and one of them wanders away, will he not leave the ninety-nine on the hills and go to look for the one that wandered off? And if he finds it, truly I tell you, he is happier about that one sheep than about the ninety-nine that did not wander off.”

    Romans 12:2 – “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.”

    My Roving Heart by All Sons & Daughters

    More days than not, I am faced with my own depravity. My humanity desires to overpower the Spirit of God that dwells within me. It desires to pursue the will of my flesh. It seeks after the charms of this world and only wants to live for the temporary. Oh how my soul mourns over my lack of strength to once and for all defeat these temptations!

    But, I am reminded that simply because I am a Christ follower and have dedicated my life to serving Him, it doesn’t mean that I will be without temptation to falter. In fact, I believe the opposite is true. If I am purposing my life to follow Christ, the Enemy will certainly place temptations in my path to distract me from my goal.

    This song, My Roving Heart by All Sons & Daughters, is off of their new album called Poets & Saints. So many of their lyrics read like psalms. This particular one speaks to my heart as I am well aware of my propensity to wander. This stanza is my favourite of the song:

    Creatures no more divide my choice;
    I bid them all depart.
    His name, His love, His gracious voice
    Have fixed my roving heart.

    What an amazing declaration of an undivided heart! I pray that God will continue to change my heart to rid it of my desire to pursue my own will above His. I am thankful Christ fixed my roving heart through His death on the cross. I am thankful still that it didn’t end there and He continues to fix my roving heart. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, we are drawn to Him and to His will for our lives.

    If you are wandering today, may I encourage you to listen to the Spirit calling you to return to your first love. As sheep we are prone to wander but our Shepherd will seek us out and continue to pursue us so that we will not remain lost. Commit your roving heart to our most gracious Saviour. There is nothing in this world worth pursing more than a relationship with Him!