Soul Crescendo

Soul Crescendo

by Carolyn Majoran

Soul Crescendo was birthed out of my love for God as well as music that lifts up His name. While my musical taste may be somewhat eclectic, I pray you will find the blogs shared here to be an encouragement to you. Let the simple truths of God’s greatness and the music that brings Him glory be a balm to your soul. To Him be the glory always.

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  • Great Are You Lord – All Sons & Daughters

    You give life, You are love
    You bring light to the darkness
    You give hope, You restore
    Every heart that is broken

    Great are You, Lord

    It's Your breath in our lungs
    So we pour out our praise
    We pour out our praise
    It's Your breath in our lungs
    So we pour out our praise
    To You only

    You give life, You are love
    You bring light to the darkness
    You give hope, You restore
    Every heart that is broken

    Great are You, Lord

    It's Your breath in our lungs
    So we pour out our praise
    We pour out our praise
    It's Your breath in our lungs
    So we pour out our praise
    To You only

    All the earth will shout
    Your praise
    Our hearts will cry
    These bones will sing
    Great are You, Lord

    It's Your breath in our lungs
    So we pour out our praise
    We pour out our praise
    It's Your breath in our lungs
    So we pour out our praise
    To You only

    Genesis 2:7 – “Then the Lord God formed a man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being.”

    Psalm 18:49 – “Therefore I will praise you, Lord, among the nations; I will sing the praises of your name.”

    Psalm 48: 1a – “Great is the Lord, and most worthy of praise…”


    Great are You, Lord. Isn’t He? The idea of God’s greatness has never been a stumbling block for me. From my earliest of memories, I have always felt special. Special that God sent His Son to die for me. Special that He chose me to be His child. Special in the fact that He wants to use me in His plan. He was and is great in my life.

    I have been especially amazed by God’s greatness as evidenced through miracles. I have seen the hand of God literally roll back thunder clouds when I was on the mission field and someone needed to be medically evacuated. Ray and I miraculously received the gift of our daughter only a matter of weeks after being approved to adopt after years of infertility. There are so many experiences that I could go on about. I have been undeservedly blessed.

    For any of you that have followed myself or Ray on Facebook in the past month, you are well aware of a health crisis that my cousin’s daughter recently experienced. While on the mission field in Cote d’Ivoire, my cousins Jenna and Justin had their barely 2 year old daughter, Colette, contract a terrible case of E.coli that took her to death’s door. They ultimately had to be medically evacuated to Paris, France for Colette to receive the care she needed.

    How intensely frightening that must have been! How helpless they must have felt! And yet, we serve a God who is overflowing with greatness. Over the past month, through the prayers of countless believers around the globe, God moved mightily in the life of Colette. Each day we would login to Facebook anticipating an update and each day we were buoyed by the hope that God would hear our prayers and heal His precious child. And He did hear us. He has healed and continues to heal. Colette is still mending but has come so far from where she was a month ago. Her life has affected so many people around the world and has caused many of us to proclaim again and again how great our God truly is. My soul rejoices continuously over the saving of her life.

    This song, Great are You Lord, is an amazing expression of the joy in my heart. God is so good to us in our times of joy but He’s especially close to us in our times of darkness. He breathed His breath into our lungs and brought us into existence. What He has breathed into us, we should pour back to Him in praise. He is immensely worthy above all else. He has proven over and over in our lives how great He is. I look forward to a day when all believers are together and in unison we can sing of His greatness. Great are You, Lord.